



で、エミュレータを起動すると、下のようなエラー(emulator-5554 disconnected!)が発生して

[2010-06-16 14:40:11 - HellowWorld] ------------------------------
[2010-06-16 14:40:11 - HellowWorld] Android Launch!
[2010-06-16 14:40:11 - HellowWorld] adb is running normally.
[2010-06-16 14:40:11 - HellowWorld] Performing net.hellowworld.HellowWorld activity launch
[2010-06-16 14:40:11 - HellowWorld] Automatic Target Mode: launching new emulator with compatible AVD 'testDev01'
[2010-06-16 14:40:11 - HellowWorld] Launching a new emulator with Virtual Device 'testDev01'
[2010-06-16 14:40:26 - HellowWorld] New emulator found: emulator-5554
[2010-06-16 14:40:26 - HellowWorld] Waiting for HOME ('android.process.acore') to be launched...
[2010-06-16 14:41:50 - HellowWorld] emulator-5554 disconnected! Cancelling 'net.hellowworld.HellowWorld activity launch'!

ググってみて、メモリが足りてないのかもと思い、エミュレータのSD RAMサイズを64Mbyteにして、
あと、デバッグ環境の設定で、Launch Default Activityを止めて、起動でサンプルコードを指定するように修正。

[2010-06-16 14:42:12 - HellowWorld] ------------------------------
[2010-06-16 14:42:12 - HellowWorld] Android Launch!
[2010-06-16 14:42:12 - HellowWorld] adb is running normally.
[2010-06-16 14:42:12 - HellowWorld] Performing net.hellowworld.HellowWorld activity launch
[2010-06-16 14:42:12 - HellowWorld] Automatic Target Mode: Preferred AVD 'testDev02' is not available. Launching new emulator.
[2010-06-16 14:42:12 - HellowWorld] Launching a new emulator with Virtual Device 'testDev02'
[2010-06-16 14:42:24 - HellowWorld] New emulator found: emulator-5554
[2010-06-16 14:42:24 - HellowWorld] Waiting for HOME ('android.process.acore') to be launched...
[2010-06-16 14:46:32 - HellowWorld] HOME is up on device 'emulator-5554'
[2010-06-16 14:46:32 - HellowWorld] Uploading HellowWorld.apk onto device 'emulator-5554'
[2010-06-16 14:46:32 - HellowWorld] Installing HellowWorld.apk...
[2010-06-16 14:47:03 - HellowWorld] 成功!
[2010-06-16 14:47:04 - HellowWorld] Starting activity net.hellowworld.HellowWorld on device 
[2010-06-16 14:47:14 - HellowWorld] ActivityManager: Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] cmp=net.hellowworld/.HellowWorld }
[2010-06-16 14:47:18 - HellowWorld] Attempting to connect debugger to 'net.hellowworld' on port 8601

これで目標の"Hello World"が表示できた。でも、起動までにかなり時間が掛かるのはどうして?